Update time!
Things are chugging right along. It’s strange how just a few changes can make a huge difference in mindset — there’s still an absurd amount of stuff on my ToDo, but for the first time I don’t feel like I’m spinning my wheels and getting nowhere.
So what changed?
1. Website. That one was weighing on me a lot. It’s far from perfect — heck, I haven’t even made the changes that all you lovely people suggested yet — but it exists and I have a plan for where it’s going.
2. Bookkeeping. As much as I hate doing it, it’s gone a long way to help my mindset. It no longer feels like I’m throwing money into a bottomless bucket; all of my investments show up on paper and they count for something, and it’s really, really okay if I’m spending money on the business. It’s necessary. And now it really feels like “a real business.”
3. Shop Improvements. I had a holy shit moment yesterday, when I finished installing my new exhaust system. (it is gorgeous!) I have a pro setup now. I have a pro shop. I made a real, permanent, physical improvement to my shop, and it’s truly mine, and I’m not going to have to tear it down in a few months and move. I’m putting down roots. O_o Holy fucking shit.
(This, for the girl who’s had 9 different addresses in the last 10 years, is a big freaking deal.)
Alright, so since I didn’t fix the website yet, what have I been doing?
Accomplishments for this week:
-Shop is inventoried
-Bookkeeping is well underway; 2nd meeting with accountant clarified some issues, full steam ahead
-Shiny new exhaust hood installed! Hooray for no toxic death!
-The shiny new torch that I got for Christmas arrived this week and is now setup
Still pending:
-Accountant clarified the inventory requirements – I need to go back and add pricing. Ugh. (Not to all of it, which is a relief; just the silver I have on hand. That’s still going to be a pain though.)
-Website updates
-Being me, I did the exhaust ducting somewhat stupidly; so it doesn’t actually do everything I wanted it to. “Hm. Okay, now what?” I have a friend coming over next week to help me figure out options.
Hooray for progress! Back to it, then. :)
WOOT! I’m glad the travel grant work is finally paying off.
. . .
I have my computer set up now, would you like me to see if I got any decent shots of the places we both went?
Not sure if you had photos of the stuff I’ll be presenting on — but maybe? I’ll give you a call this weekend. And thanks! :)
Go! Go! Go! :D
You be famous!!!!
Yipee! Way to go – would love to be there to see the presentation!
Thanks! It’s only a small deal, really, but it’s a little something to my name anyway! :)
Fabulous — way to go! I’ll sadly be out of town for your lecture; will there be video?
No video — and really, ’tis only a small thing. It’s held in a small classroom and usually only draws about 20-30 people from the guild. BUT! Feather in cap, ne? :)
Whoo, congrats!
I am sooooo jealous of your roots.
Glad to hear things are going so well.
Whooo-hooo! I wish I could come up & see your presentation!
Side note- in looking through grad school stuff today I realized that UW no longer has metals as a major, just some weird 3D4M thing that seems to rather emphatically *not* include jewelry.
Yep, sadly they closed the program – what, a year or two ago? Terrible shame, but the administration wasn’t behind it, so when the old department head (*ahem* the world-famous, Smithsonian-published Mary Lee Hu) retired they opted not to replace her. Bummer.
I got to talk to her a bit at SNAG a couple years ago- she’s an amazing lady. I wanted to apply there- partially because of her, partially because it’s Seattle & partially because Lori Talcott is also one of my Metals idols & she went there. It makes me sad.
Congratulations!! :):) And I totally want to see your site when its done, poke at me with it :) (Maybe it will inspire me to get on the ball) And your new pieces. Wooo – and want to see pics of your studio!! Pretty please?
Poke poke! peggyfoy.com
Yay! I’m so excited for you!!
Absolutely a feather in your cap. I simmer with jealousy regarding your shop set-up. ;D