“Blog Carnival is about a group of EtsyMetal Team members sharing their experience on a common topic.  This month’s topic: A Few of My Favorite Things – a photo blog.”
On this rainy Monday morning, here are some of my recent photos from this gorgeous Spring we’ve enjoyed in the Pacific Northwest.
The brilliant gold of California poppies in the sunlight. Alki Beach, Seattle, WA
Spirals of all kinds. The delicateness of young ferns, their fragility and transience. Washington Park Arboretum, Seattle, WA.
Purple is my favorite color, and just look at the translucency of these petals – so many shades! The beautiful feathery-ness of the petals too. Washington Park Arbortum, Seattle, WA
Margaritas on a porch on the waterfront at sunset. So perfect. Agua Verde, Seattle, WA.
My cute little cat, Kami, playing in a paper bag.
Ok so I guess orange is pretty ok too, especially when it does that. Chateau St Michelle, Woodinville, WA
A snuggly kitty keeping me company while I work on the laptop. Moments before this shot she was curled in a tight ball.
Glorious sunsets from the top of Beacon Hill. The light illuminating the undersides of the clouds. The shifting hues of the fading light. The haze in the distance giving way to a silhouetted mountain range. Jefferson Park, Seattle, WA
Check out this awesome peacock I got to see. That blue. The sheer iridescence. Every tiny frond of that green is alive with reflected light too. Chateau St Michelle, Woodinville, WA
Check out my fellow teammates’ favorite things:
Rebecca Bogan: https://adobesol.wordpress.com
Anne Walker: http://creativeinclinations.blogspot.com/
Andrea Ring: http://amuckdesign.blogspot.com
Debbie Ritchie http://www.fentondesign.ca/whats-happening
Laura Jane Bouton http://laurajanebouton.blogspot.it/
2Roses: http://www.jewelrytutorial.blogspot.com
Cynthia Del Giudice: http://cynthiadelgiudice.blogspot.com/
Beth Cyr: http://bethcyr.com/blog